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1. What is Bittorrent? 

2. Where Can I Download Bittorrent?

3. How to download files with BitTorrent?

4. Why is it important to continue sharing if I have already downloaded the file?

5. What files are what I am sharing?

6.My download speed is very low , what can I do?

7. I get an error message does that mean?

8. How do I open the file I downloaded? 

9. what happens if I cancel a download? How Continuous? 

10. What does all this terminology? seed, leecher, upload, etc. 

11.- Advantages of using bittorrents other p2p?

1. What is Bittorrent?

Bittorrents is a protocol to transfer files via p2p. Users share files between them, connecting with each other through a server (Tracker), once users connected to each other , parts of files are exchanged until completed. When a user bittorrents is downloading a file also is rising at the same time, up only the files you are downloading, this makes bittorrent a program capable of offering speeds much higher than its competitors and therefore the best choice for download all kinds of files.

2. Where Can I Download Bittorrent?

BitTorrent is open source (open source). This means that anyone can take the source code and create your own client. Here we present several clients (either is good):

· Bitcomet : Client offers a more attractive combination of clear and intuitive interface in several languages, ease of use and speed of downloads. Ability to perform simultaneous downloads, chat with other users, maintain a queue of files to download, limit speeds up and down, mapping ports, support for proxy servers, IP address filtering, possibility to resume broken downloads, etc.

· Bittornado small variation of the original, simple but practical bittorrent. Possibility graduating upload speed and the number of raises allowed, super seed, to pause and resume a download, and information about the download. The options, some hidden under a "link" called "Prefs" allow you to configure to your liking twenty options. Does not allow simultaneous torrents.

· Azureus This customer is the most complete of all, with multiple options to configure everything to our liking, upload speed, Going down to , connections, super seed, etc. A bit messy configuration for the most inexperienced. Its drawbacks that need to run JAVA and consumes many resources.

· UTorrent uTorrent is a simple and efficient client that can boast of being one of the smallest in its class. Instalación.lo it not even requires that involves great savings in resource consumption and processor memory. Offers several configuration options and analysis of each file.

· Burst! Another client that uses very little memory resources. The GUI lets you control multiple transfers from a single window.

· ABC Gives you a number of options and functions, through an exquisite interface provides multiple downloads, priority, ability to pause, resume , and queue downloads, minimize to the taskbar, specify the maximum number of uploads and the maximum transfer rate you want, and many more features. Spanish translation: click here

· Bitlord   comes in several languages and a simple way to adjust settings as we want. clean, fast, and easy to use.

3. How to download files with BitTorrent?

Before say anything to start downloading files with bittorrents you must first install a client.

When we find a link to download a bittorrent website, by clicking on the two things can happen.

1- our bittorrent client is opens directly and ask us to save the file that we will download.

2.- we download the .torrent file to your pC, then only that file must be opened with our bittorrent client to start the download.

4. Why is it important to continue sharing if I have already downloaded the file?

is very important time to continue sharing the file once it has completely downloaded to the other users who are also downloading to completely lower it . It 's not about having it indefinitely sharing only one time and the maximum possible speed, so others can download it better. We must be united, this is a p2p is to give and give and take.

5. What are the files I'm sharing?

In bittorrent not all files in a directory as other P2P shared only files that are being downloaded are Share us . This makes the entire upload speed of users to focus only on these files and why the speed is higher.

6. My download speed is very low, what can I do?

The download speed depends on many factors. among them.

- You have to limit the upload speed slightly less than the limit of your line. if you have it set no limit uphill or greater than your line number that can block the line and pro tanto discharge, so it is very important to limit your customer rate go up to just under the limit, ejmplo . if you have a line of rise of 30 kbps, as I put on the client 28 kbps

. if you use other programs p2p or programs that consume your bandwidth, this can make bittorrent do not download as it should

- have some firewall blocking your client, you can spend not connect well because of some firewall, check it .

- Just contect with other users, this may be for poblema with the tracker, or because there is no more the case there is nothing to do but wait.

7. I get an error message does that mean?

The best thing to do in general if you have problems connecting is wait. Sometimes trackers are unavailable or slow to respond. But usually temporary, so patience is the mother of science. : The meanings of the error messages are explained BitTorrent

· Problem getting response info - [Errno 2] No such file or directory: The torrent stored in temporary files not right, try to download the .torrent to your pc with . the right mouse button, save as

· Error (unregistere torrent): the torrent is not uploaded to the tracker.

· Too many args - 0 max. This error is indicative of a wrong command line. Make sure that the arguments of the command line appears --responsefile "% 1".

· A piece failed hash check, re-downloading it: It means you have received a portion of the wrong file so it will come down again. Nothing happens.

· Bad data from tracker: You can usually ignore. It usually happens when tracker is overloaded.

· Problem connecting to tracker - timeout exceeded

· Problem connecting to tracker - [Errno socket error] (10061, 'Connection refused ")

· Problem connecting to tracker - 111 Connection refused

· Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 503: connect failed

· problem connecting to tracker - 10060 "Operation timed out"

· problem connecting to tracker - 10054 Connection reset by peer

· problem connecting to tracker - 10065 No route to host

There was a problem connecting to the tracker. Trackers may be too saturated with people and sometimes the connections fail. It is best to be patient and if you are connected with other user not close the client or you 'll lose those connections.

· Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 400: Not Authorized: The tracker requires authorization.

· Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 404: not Found: probably an old torrent and no longer work.

· Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 407: Proxy Authentication Required: Some tracker require username and password to login.

8. How do I open the file I downloaded?

.r01, .rar, .zip, .part01, .001, .002
To run these files you need to install the WinRAR version 3.X at least the recommended 3.20

.cbr, .cbz
are comincs tablets for them I use the cdisplay or simply rename .CBR .CBZ à à RAR and ZIP.

.par, .p01, .pnn
are files used to rebuild files with incomplete or corrupt parties, the SmartPAR used.

These are information files that usually contain notes on the downloaded file, installation, etc. Windows mistakenly associated with the file system information, but can be opened smoothly with Notepad or some .NFO seen.

.avi, .mpg, .wmv, .asf
Are video files, so that opened with a video repoductor repoductor type of window.

.mp3, .mp2, .wma, .ogg
are audio files that are opened with some player as Winnap

are documents that are opened with adobe acrobat reader

files are a DVD-Video so you are to burn, but also can read powerDVD type programs or you can change the extension to mpg and also are readable

.jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png
are documents that are opened with the adobe acrobat reader

.bin, .cue, .iso, .nrg, .img

These extensions correspond to image files CD or DVD

- MDS -> Alcohol 120%
-CCD -> Alcohol 120% / CloneCD
-CUE / BIN -> Alcohol 120% / CDRWin (+ .BIN) / NERO
-ISO -> Alcohol 120% / Nero
-BTW -> Alcohol 120%
-CDI -> Alcohol 120%
-IMG -> CloneCD
-NRG: -> Nero

9. What happens if I cancel a download? How Continuous?

BitTorrent allows perfect stop and resume a download that is half. Thou shalt not do anything special. If you cancel a download before completion, partial discharge stays on your hard drive. To sum it up, you just have to volve to open the torrent and save the file in the same place where it was downloading, so your client will recognize downloaded parts and continue where was I before being canceled.

10. What does all this terminology? seed, leecher, upload, etc.

Here you have a list of most important words associated with BitTorrent and their meanings.

Torrent: It is a small file only a few kb and .torrent extension that contains information about the file you want to download, not the file itself. Torrent contains information such as name, size, etc., also is through this torrent tracker connects to a user with others.

Peer or leechers (clients): These are users who are downloading a file bittorrents, but not yet they have it completely. Peers up and down parts of a file until you complete or cancel.

Seed (Seed) is a user that has a complete copy of a certain torrent. When you finish a download and not for sharing, then you are making seed or seeding. When someone shares a file, you have to make seed, and while not complete other users, he will be the only seed. A seed only go up, not down that file.

Tracker: it is an Internet server that acts to connect customers who are raising or lowering a given file. For a tracker connect to users is required (in most tracker) upload the torrent to the tracker. The Tracker does not contain the files, only connects users that have parts of that file.

Downloading: receive data from another user.

Uploading: send data to another user

Distributed copies (copies distributed): the seed are complete copies of the file, but it is possible that among all peers, if we put all parts of the file, there is more than a full copy. It is a very important information if you're downloading a file that has no seed.

11.- Advantages of using bittorrents other p2p?


1- Increased download speed. As each user only up to what is downloading the download speed it is much higher than other p2p where each user shares entire directories with a lot of files.

2- There are usually no fakes. downloaded files we usually always what espamos. Being a system that requires websites to download torrents, makes it very difficult to introduce fake files.


The files have a short life, is the price to pay for better speed, as only shares what downloading this life is much shorter than other p2p files.

There is no global search .torrent, this is a disadvantage, but also is the advantage of having no fakes.


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